Cosmic Publication, the Design Museum

London, 2019

Designers in Residency published a book designed by Regular Practice and edited by Sumitra Upham and Maria McLintock, highlighting the research and process carried by the designers throughout the programme. In this publication, each designer invited you into an alternative world where materials are manifestations of human values and where spaces allow us to reconnect with our environment, bodies and minds, advocating to decentralise tools and processes for tackling global change and sustainability. Graphic design studio Regular Practice developed an interactive tool for collaboration, knowledge and sharing, built to encourage the designers to design their own graphic identity. Mále contributed with a visual essay, research material, an interview with the founder and director of Dzek, Brent Dzekciorius, and a critical essay about the history of geology and mining in the Atacama Desert that highlights the geopolitical, environmental and humanitarian complexities created by extractive practices in the era of the Anthropocene.

Graphic Design - Regular Practice

Editors - Sumitra Upham, Maria McLintock

Contributors - Marta Giralt, Stiliyana Minkovska, Robert Johnson


publication | 100x100 diseño en chile


publication | interior futures