Opening at Palacio Pereira with collective exhibition ‘El Descenlace de la Forma’, organised by Revista Materia, October 2022.
Opening Solo ExhibiitonSalt Imaginaries, Lithium 2.0. Galería Gallo, Santiago Chile, 25th August 2022.
PADA Long Range Studio Visit
Mále in conversation with Thomas O’Brien, 2021
– Not just a contemplation upon a pigment –
fio Lookbook, interview with Peter Reischer. Edition 14, 2020. Online article here
Panel discussion New Materials for the Design Month in Chile .
Panel ‘Nuevos materiales’ para el Mes del Diseño, organizado por el Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio. Nov 2020
‘New Materialisms’ Talk for Encuentro LOCAL Chile, October 2020.
Local Chile is an event that gathers outstanding Chilean designers and businesses.
Virtual Design Festival x Mále: Re-Imagining Extreme Landscapes
This live event explored the ways in which storytelling in art and design can work as investigative tools to explore our future relationship with extreme landscapes and ecosystems like the desert, apparently hostile territories that are interwoven with rich hidden stories, extractive practices, environmental and geopolitical conflicts. The event screened three short films (Tom Burke, KMNCHK ScanLab, Unknown Fields) followed by a conversation with Kate Davies, from Unknown Fields.
Blueprint Magazine, December 2019 | Interview by editor Francesca Perry at the Design Museum
Arper x Designers in Residence Soft(er) Spaces event, 24th October 2019
Article in V&D Magazine, Chile
Press release event, Designers in Residence 2019 announcement, Design Museum. Asif Khan, Bethan Laura Wood, Robert Johnson, Mále Uribe, Stiliyana Minkovska, The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP and Alice Black, Ex-Director of the Design Museum. © Felix Speller for the Design Museum