Space Programme, Royal College of Art

London, 2019

Space Programme is an elective course in the MA Information Experience design at the Royal College of Art, which explores experimental perceptions of spatial design. The course, led with Dr Kevin Walker, addresses the cultural, formal, material, and digital ways in which we interpret and produce space. Expanding the architectural concept of ‘program’ — how uses, elements and objects are spatially articulated with each other— the briefs explored new spatial narratives in exhibition design, programming objects, spaces and landscapes through different scales and worlds.

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, this term studied the moon as a temporal, physical and virtual alternative landscape. Students worked with the moon as a test-site, a proving ground to re-think reality by combining terrestrial and extraterrestrial perspectives on design, art and experience. The course finalised with a group exhibition at the Lumen Crypt Gallery in East London, showcasing the work of 14 students re-programming our interpretations of three-dimensional space, with fantastical spatial narratives that went from mutated topographies and objects, to edible mooncakes, inflatable structures and Aztec legends.

Students; Celeste Camilleri, Arthur Cohen, Romane Courdacher, Izabela Janina Duszenko, Susannah Feiler, Zhiqiang Li, Danyang Liu, Wea Poniatowska, Christine Roman, Sammy Selin, Jack Smith, Feiwi Wang, Mengge Qui, Shegni Zhang

Photographies by Jack Smith


publication | interior futures


workshop | rca spatial abstractions